Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски" - гр. Благоевград

Publications (en)

Southwest University "Neofit Rilski"


Аssist. Prof. Silviya Krasteva PhD

 Faculty of Philosophy, Department "Philosophy"



  1. The Content Logic of Classical German Idealism. 2008. Dissertation, 616 p.
  2. The Negation in the Logic of Hegel. 2009. - In: Philosophy |journal|, 1-2, Sofia, p.52-p.64.
  3. The Concept "world" - Kant and Heidegger. 2009. - In: Transcendental Languages of Metaphysics, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgradq p.119-p.141.
  4. Universum in the Judgement. 2010. - In: Philosophical Attempts, Volume 7, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgradq p.151-p.170.
  5. The Science of Absolute. 2008.  - In: Philosophy and Esoteric, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgrad, p.147-p.170   
  6. Nonclassical Theory of Truth. 2007.  - In: Philosophical Attempts, Volume 6, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgrad, p.7-p.20.
  7. Operations with the Negation in Immediate Inference. 2007. - In: Philosophical Attempts, Volume 6, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgrad, p.21-p.33.
  8. Form and Content in Logic. 2006. - In: "Philosophy" |journal|, 4, Sofia, p.18-p.27.
  9. The Fourth Category of Understanding in Kant's Transcendental Logic. 2005.  - In: Philosophical Attempts, Volume 4, Southwest University Press, Blagoevgrad, p.23-p.44.
  10.  Premises of Dialectical Thought. 2004. - In: Kant and Dialog of the Traditions. Southwest University Press, Blagoevgrad, p.126-p.145.



Participation in student's projects of  Department "Philosophy", creator of student's philosophical paper "Argument" in 13 numbers.


Director of Resource Center of  Philosophy

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